Healthcare and Behavioral Health Career Exploration

Educating on careers and career pathways is a key part of the mission of the Northern Colorado Health Sector Partnership.



The partnership will no longer be holding a Career Exploration event in the afternoon following the Health Summit on November 1, 2023. We look forward to pursuing this event model in the future, so if you are interested in this, please connect with us at and share your opinions on this event. 


The Partnership and our partners have worked hard to create resources to help educate the Northern Colorado community on the careers available and in demand in healthcare and behavioral health. Take a look at a few of them below!

  • Work-Based Learning–  Focused on exploring and facilitating work-based learning opportunities including internships, apprenticeships, career fairs and more for high school, college and post-college opportunities
    • Information Interview Sessions are interactive sessions that provide an opportunity for K-12 students to discover information about healthcare pathways, occupations and training.
    • 30-90 minute group information interview session
    • Variety of medical and behavioral health careers available
    • In-Person or Virtual
    • Funding for food
    • Information Interview Sessions Flyer
    • Request a session: ly/3QL1InZ